#4 Not even sorry for that earworm. If it's NOT an earworm, here you go. So to continue the question session, the lovely mrmonkeybottoms asked me, "What is your favorite scene in the movie, Love, Actually?" *cracks knuckles
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I've been rocking out to the Sixteen Candles soundtrack, but because it bugged me that so many of the songs that were in the movie weren't on the soundtrack (Young Guns by Wham! for example) I've found most of them and have them here to share. I've got a request list at the bottom, if anyone could help out with a few rare tracks...
Somebody come and play today! (Five bonus points if you know what that's from) Also: Because I am a CONSIDERATE FRIEND: HAPPY BIRTHDAY dovil!! What's that you say? Your calendar says tomorrow? That's your puny non-New Zealand time!! D! I have more Wee!Spike fic coming JUST FOR YOU.l But that's later
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Flipped thru the channels and Pretty In Pink was on. Made me think of all the horrible dialogue that ruined perfectly OK movies. Now I want to compile a list, so here we go. (Based on dialogue's ability to make you laugh out loud, and not in a good way, or start punching people to make them feel the pain, too.)